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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  April 23, 2014 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman, great videos always have a great story behind them and we've got both, "right this minute." easy. >> a boater discovers a little blue heron with -- >> braided fishing line wrapped around its leg. >> now meet the hero who caught a wild bird and cured it too. >> just a little bit of southern ingenuity right there. >> some friends build a nice bonfire. >> notice there's nobody standing too close to the fire. >> you're about to see the reason why. >> rescuers reach a taxi in
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floodwaters and find -- >> the taxi driver two adults and this. >> the sight that left everyone stunned. plus the wednesday buzzword for your shot at a new ipad mini and good news for viewers who can't get enough lisa g. >> she's back. for season seven of "flipping out". >> now hollywood's most outspoken homeowner talks about the long road to a beautiful backyard. >> i like instant gratification and i got nothing. i want to change the show to "flipping off." this guy out on his boat in florida not fishing for birds. he's actually trying to rescue a bird. >> easy. >> we got this from juken video. it was unloaded on the deer meat for dinner youtube channel, dedicated to ethical hunting. that is actually a little blue heron and that blue heron has braided fishing line wrapped
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around its leg. >> oh, look how messed up his leg is here. >> he needs scissors or something to cut that stuff off. >> looks like it's going to be difficult to untangle it. >> he needs a knife. >> i didn't bring one. >> look inside here. >> they both forget their knives. >> do you have a little knife. >> they go over to some other boaters and these boaters hand their knives over and he gets to work. >> chill. i'm helping you out. >> look up here at the top of the heron's leg. >> oh. i didn't notice that. i was looking at the bottom there. >> look at all that braided line i got off his leg. >> then time to get to work on the injury toward the top of the heron leg. >> there's got to be a hook in there. >> his idea is to remove some of the flesh to get some of the infection away from the wound. >> if i get all this rotten flesh off there he will be all right. >> as you know we like to find out the stories behind these videos and we found this guy. his name is robert arrington from jupiter, florida, and we have him via skype, "right this
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minute." welcome to the show. well done. >> how did you catch the bird? >> just a little bit of southern ingenuity right there. i had seen that bird the day previous and i knew he had line wrapped around him, i knew his leg was injured and wanted to catch him. can you imagine if you had like fishing line and a hook jammed into your leg and you're trying to walk around and trying to survive in the wild. that would be terrible. i'm going to do my best to fix him. i feel that i walk a straight line right in between ultraconservation and ethical hunting. >> most people would just stop with getting the knot that was on his leg but you really performed surgery on this little guy. >> i knew that in order to really give that bird a fighting chance, i had to cut away the rotten flesh, i had to dig the hook out, i had to get all the line that was actually embedded up into his thigh. once i got it out he was like -- right on. >> have you seen this blue heron again since this happened? >> the very, very next day i went back, that bird flew right
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over my boat, sat down and his leg you could see was almost -- it looked 100% better. every time i go over there he flies right over to my boat, i flip him a couple fish and he's like -- >> get there. >> awesome. >> michigan state police just released video from a fatal head-on collision caused by a wrong-way driver. we start with dash cam video from a trooper who's on his way to try to help catch the wrong-way driver identified as 29-year-old jeremy smelter. the trooper pulls to the right, here comes the car going the wrong way. >> oh, no. >> you see him run right into that -- >> that was another car. it was a ford mustang and unfortunately the driver, 21-year-old jarrett ford did not survive but his passenger did and you can see the mess across
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the two-lane road. th is smelter's truck. he's still inside. ford's car up in flames. you can hear what police are saying to each other trying to help the victims and smelter out. >> this -- >> no. probably not safely. >> toxicology tests are being examined right now. no word on exactly why he was going the wrong way. >> imagine the middle of the night driving down the road the last thing you expect is a car to be barreling towards you. you know, and just because an officer pulls over in front of you that doesn't necessarily cause you to say i'm going to pull over too. >> state police say the passenger in ford's car probably wouldn't have survived if they hadn't been right there on the scene. the 21-year-old so young, his life hadn't begun. >> 21-year-old and this is how he meets his end. shouldn't end this way. >> smelter was still gapsing for breath. he was airlifted but died later at a hospital.
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>> where are you [ bleep ] clowns doing? >> what are you clowns doing after you watch this video. looks like your standard bonfire in somebody's backyard, roast marshmallows, tell stories. this is a residential area. there is nobody standing too close to the fire. this video posted by justin woodward in central alberta, canada. here's why. >> oh! >> what was that? why is there bonfire exploding? >> good question. they put a spray paint can in there. and then they had the idea let's not just put one, let's put three. you can see how like part of their yard is on fire because, you know, a spray can explodes and some of that material e number two and three. >> whoa! >> and now look at the yard. well you wouldn't be -- >> i love it. >> i don't know.
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>> surrounded by homes. this could have been horrible. >> exactly. you wouldn't be clapping if you lived next to these people. >> jump the fence. >> oh, my god. >> their bush is on fire on the other side. >> justin told us he actually -- he said it was no big deal. had to climb on my neighbor's roof and put out a fire and buy them all new lawn furniture. >> good. >> what? >> wow. >> you see them sort of frantically scurry to put out the fire that is now kind of spread to different pockets throughout the yard here. >> this could have been an entire neighborhood fire. >> but it wasn't. it's great video. >> >> hey, everybody, we have an ipad mini giveaway coming up in a little bit. >> you need the buzzword and a twitter account. if you don't have a twitter account it's easy to create one. >> the buzzword is coming up. you have to be 18 years old and a u.s. resident to enter. >> stand by for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> so long as people continue to
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ignore the warning signs of flooded roads we'll continue to have video like this. in china check out the taxicab. >> looks like he's treating that thing like a submarine. >> the taxi driver decided maybe i have an amphibious vehicle on me. inside the car were the taxi driver's, two adults and this. >> a baby in a little onesy thing. >> yeah. >> it's an 8-month-old baby. in a very cute little tiger outfit. >> what a risk to take with a family in the back of your car. >> right. >> amazing these rescuers were able to get to them. >> you know the cab of the car must have been full of water. they were probably sitting up to their necks. >> the rainfall subsided. had it not the water would have kept rising. so they were very lucky in this situation. >> the silver lining is that cute onesy that baby is wearing because that thing was awesome. >> it was pretty darn cute. little tail on the onesy. like sticking out. everybody made it out just fine. >> here's another very intense incident.
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this one in the uk. that's yellow, search and rescue helicopter known as the sea king. right below on the river bank is a man they have just rescued. that air putti they're putting him in a harness. according to reports the man had jumped off the bridge. who knows what the motives were. the rescue services saved him and eventually ended up taking him to the hospital. >> that helicopter is huge and working in real close proximity to that church. i have it imagine the stain glassed windows must have been rattling. >> seeing it next to that church it's gigantic and you have to credit the pilot here. >> another video with a close shot of one of the rescue workers lifting this man that's believed to be 64 years old. it looks just incredibly gnarly so surreal. >> way to go royal airport. >> he wants to snap a selfie with this thing. >> this dude is just going to try to kind of stand where the
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jet blast will be. this is an imminent failure. >> see if his photo shoot backfires. and mini the corgi meets goat. >> first she's trying to herd them and let's herd her. >> how they herd their way to being fast friends. ununwrwrapap y youour r pa. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. alalmomondnd j joyoy a and. ununwrwrapap p pararada. [sis when i said i weren't ready to have a baby, we're actually eight-weeks pregnant. [women] shut up! [brother-in-law off camera] we're pregnant! [woman] you're kidding me! [man] shut up! [woman] shut up! [screams] take the kid,take the kid,take the kid!
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[woman] oh my god! [everyone laughter,crying]
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i'm going to try to do an afterburner selfie. >> seems as though the selfie in
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dangerous location has kind of become a thing. and now there's this one from this fella. he's trying to do an afterburner selfie. what he means in this giant garage here, they've got a freshly rebuilt fighter jet engine. they've got it up and running. this dude is just going to try to kind of stand where the jet blast will be. you can see all the dust, the dirt, the snow,lowing up here. now i will point out, he's got the noise canceling headsets on even though this sounds like a really loud video basically got ear plugs on the camera. >> how is it possible to make your thumb operate that little button while in the force of the jet engine? >> this is an imminent failure and i'm going to love it. please don't make me wait any longer. >> it's not a failure. watch. you can see here when they start to crank up this engine. there he is, standing just enough to the side of the blast
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there to kind of get it over his shoulder. >> i would have been surprised if this actually did become a fail because it looks like this guy knows what he's doing. >> he's not some guy who wandered upon the scene. >> yeah. >> he has something to do with the rebuilding of this engine. look here, though. look at the cloud of stuff that this engine has kicked up. look right here. you can start to see the heat the engine is giving off. >> even if it wasn't a fail this is pretty awesome. how many people get to do that. >> afterburner selfie. who knew dogs, goats and carrots mixed? we start with dogs and goats. that is mini the corgi and they decided let's put her in this area with goats and see what happens. they all try to herd each other. she's trying to herd them and they're like let's herd her. >> fun. they're fast friends looks like. >> my favorite part is when the
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goats get on this chair and they fight for like who's king of the mountain. because you know goats have to climb something in every video. >> right. where do the carrots come in. >> the carrots come in when oscar shows up. and he loves carrots. i know that dogs like carrots because i keep a lot for my dog because dogs like these treats. >> working on his vision. >> and good for their teeth. keeps their teeth nice and clean and breath fresh. lot of vitamin k. >> oscar wants to be healthy. >> i'm sure it helps his coat too. >> smooth. >> and i like how he eats slowly. he's not greedy like some dogs. i'm going to take this in measured doses. >> grinding the ski lift cable. >> yes. >> what? >> yes. >> grinding on that? >> yes. >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come -- guy decides
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to wrangle a wild iguana but -- >> it doesn't go well. >> he bit me. >> see how the iguana gets even. plus if you want a chance to win an ipad mini you'll need to get the wednesday buzzword next.
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smsmilile e ststror. ononcece, , twtwicice, it's time for new seselslsune scscalalp . it worksks a at t ththee sosoururce with ththe e nunumbmberer oe ananti-itch medicine. plus soothing aloe for fast relief. seselslsunun b bluluee scscalalp itch. underneath this little deck there is a wild iguana. always good to go explore with beer in hand. >> that. and they also describe there might have been some tequila involved. way to get involved is to try to wrangle this wild iguana. it doesn't go well. >> he bit me. >> oh. see now i don't like this one bit. >> what a dummy. you're supposed to look at them. they are everywhere. when you go there, you see them
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but leave them alone. >> the thing is a mini dinosaur. doesn't look like the iguana was harmed but the guy sure was. >> got me. ♪ >> towards the camera. >> is it bad i wanted the iguana to bite his nipple off. the thing could have just went and bit him. >> that would have been great. >> don't mess with the iguana because the iguana is going to iguana get even. >> yeah. going to be like iguana get even with you bro. >> yeah. >> back in the fall of 2012 "flipping out" featured what we are calling a breakout star. remeerhis sing the [ bleep ] budget. >> the good news with the -- >> there's no good news coming out of your mouth. >> lisa gregorisch dempsey senior producer of "extra" and hollywood heavy weight people loved watching her so much she's
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back for season seven of "flipping out". >> did she get a new house or extra room? >> same house. this time instead of doing the inside they're doing the outside. >> cut everything you said in half. that was a lot of jib jaber about a lot -- >> this is [ bleep ] empty now. >> i bet if i check one of the other 100 purse there's plenty of money in it. >> there's not a whisper meeting. i'm right here. i'm sitting right here. >> we need 75. >> no. >> it's not going to be great if it's not -- >> not working! >> you have to finish -- >> i'll get a fifth grade class come in and help. i'm not paying more than $50,000. no. >> she does a v a cognitive filter. >> got new breasts. double d. >> there's no way. having her solicit on the corner for business. >> she's become a -- >> stop it. you can't say those things. >> you got to love the looks that she gives jeff lewis. we're going to get some of those
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looks for ourselves because we have lisa gregorisch dempsey from los angeles "right this minute." welcome back. >> yeah. >> hi, guys. thank you for having me. >> so what made you do this again? >> honestly, i am just a gluten for punishment because i really don't even care about the outside of my house. there are kids in the neighborhood. i'm not going outside. so i don't know why i did it. >> do you enjoy any of this process? >> you know what, i was on-line shopping the entire time. i had my husband deal with it. i like instant gratification and i got nothing. you know how long it takes to paint a house? it was weeks. every time i came home it was like a corner done. i didn't care. i want to change the show to "flipping off." seriously i was so annoyed when they were there every time. >> what was the worst suggestion you turned away? >> this time it's almost like i had cotton balls in my ears. i didn't listen to anything he said. all i wanted to do was take money from me. seriously i am so in debt, not
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indebted to him n debt because of this. he's bad news. that's all i'm saying. >> you tricked out the inside of your house, the outside, are you going on "pimp my ride" next. >> no, but chjeff is trying to t me to go in on a house in malibu to flip together. >> there's the next show. that's the spinoff. >> she's the star. >> are you going to do it? >> i would do a show if it was like "flip my store" so i could shop. not a house though. >> airs on bravo at 10:00 p.m., 9:00 central on wednesday night. tune in to see lisa g. all right. everybody, it is ipad mini giveaway time. >> you need a twitter account. if you don't have one don't worry it's easy to get one when you enter. >> head to click on the win an ipad mini button and enter today's buzzword. >> let's reveal the buzzword for wednesday. it is imagination. >> get over to and click on
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that win an ipad mini button and enter the buzzword imagination, that's imaginati-m-a-g-i-n-a-ti. >> if you don't win today don't worry we will be giving away another ipad mini tomorrow and don't forget to follow us on twitter. >> good luck. >> taking finger -- up a notch. >> over his face. >> see the smooth moves over so mesmerizing. >> i can't stop watching i
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two very short clips of how amusing it can be to make movies. ♪ >> in this scene it appears there are some women riding in a carriage. quickly see the behind the scenes. they are not going anywhere. they are standing there waddling back and forth, to make it look like a carriage is not moving either. it's just a couple guys with some twigs walking by the back.
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>> it's all aboutperception. u make the watching something moving. the brain never questions it. >> when i saw this i thought are they on horses but they're just on their feet probably. >> i don't know. i saw this clip and it made me giggle. >> that isn't movie magic. >> i know. >> that's basic ingenuity. >> the women are not raising their feet. >> rocking back and forth making it seem like they're walking. >> makes it easier for them to remember their lines. some people can't walk and talk. now all they have to do is talk. >> forget all the visual effects. a couple of blokes with tree branches. seemed a really cool finger talent on the show. like this except this time it's not peanuts doing finger tut. but in this creating with his fingers over his face to take it a step further and making it face tut. ♪ >> it looks really cool.
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like i'm mesmerized by it. can't stop watching it. i don't know what you do with it. >> these guys are dancers. this isn't the only thing they do. they're able to dance in all kinds of different styles but each dancer gets to create their own very specific style. >> it's really popular on-line. this guy probably has tons of subscribers on youtube and make morse money than we do combined. >> very true. >> it's impressive to figure that out. i wonder does he do it in a mirror or comes instinct actually. that good at all this movement. >> i bet it's a combination of both. >> that's it for and what do we have here? oh, look. we have a bunch of... announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives.
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the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. great videos always have a great story behind them and we've got both "right this minute." a rock climber spends ten hours wedged in a crevice. >> apparently his hips were jammed in this tiny spot. >> the crazy stunt he was trying to pull and what it took to finally pull him out. >> a cop wants a bystander to butt out, leading to what some say is -- >> excessive force by police. >> see what led up to the takedown in the street. >> it's


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